Tuesday 24 June 2014

One People

We are one people with different colors, different race, different languages but living in the same world. This is irrespective of the color of our skin, our economic status, our Job positions, our Cultures, our habitation and our religions.  We are all created in the Image of God. (Genesis 1:28).  As images of God we ought to do what our ultimate Leader-God requires from us.
Am grateful to have grown up from the family of John Mushobora. As I grew up (as I still grow up) I have seen (I still see) help and support from people I never even thought I could know in life. For every one that has ever supported me morally, financially, spiritually or whichever way it may be, I must say thank you.
Every person in the world has a story and a past no matter how good or bad it may seem to be. The good news is that every day is a new day. It’s a totally clean Slate. You are not defined by last week, last month or last year. Your yesterdays weaknesses can be tomorrow’s strengths. The past should be behind you, don’t look back because you can’t change the past. You must remember that you are not a prisoner of the past but a pioneer of the future. Always look forward, trust God and accept his mercies every morning. Psalms 136:1 says Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever. That is, it is ever the same; it never changes; it is never exhausted; it is found in all his dealings - in all his acts toward his creatures, and ever will be.
Why then is there hatred and jealousy among one people? The answer is very simple; we have turned everything to be about us. There is a lot of egocentrisms and the World is full of greed. We forget that we are supposed to be God’s Stewards supposed to use what he has given us to better the world. We tend to glorify ourselves if we achieve in life with less appreciation of the people who have made us achieve. Not even remembering to thank God the source of our being.
In conclusion as one people we should treat each other as equals with utmost respect. As John C Maxwell puts it, we are all leaders. Even when you don’t have Subjects at least you lead yourself. We ought to share what we have with those who perhaps do not have and do away with our selfish desires at the expense of others. This can make us live in harmony with each other making the World a better Place.