Thursday 30 October 2014


This morning I had a personal conversation with a friend that made me wonder about whether the Life I live is about me or God. In my personal reflection, I came to find out that I have been doing things for the benefit of myself and the ones I care about. So many times have I done things with personal expectations and at the end of the day my expectations are shuttered down. 
It made me ponder on how we do things as believers. We have always asked for good things from God. Name them, Favor, promotion, increase in payment, treatment with utmost humility etcetera….  Prosperity preachers make it worse by telling us that if you don’t get your prayer request come to pass, then it’s because you have little faith (Am sorry to offend you if you believe in Prosperity Preachers). The world tells us that you can get successful if only you worked harder or changed the strategy that is not working. I do not know why I tend to believe in what the world says than what prosperity preachers say.
So many times have I been disappointed by people who call themselves staunch Christians (Am also a Christian).  I have also witnessed Christian Organizations and Churches that do exactly what the world does under the Cover and guise of Christianity. If it’s Corruption and embezzlement; they do it, they come up with good Vision and Mission statements, they Claim to be helping others yet they are amassing wealth at the Expense of the people they claim to be helping. So many times do these Christian Organizations and Preachers blame the governments for the wrong things its doing. But if you analyze them they are even worse than the Government, as they preach about the wrongs the government does and no one preaches about his organizations wrong doings. Most importantly they look like they are always right, “Glorify themselves not God”. (Please read Mathew Chapter 6) Some of the Christians seem to have mastered the whole bible and will speak out a Scripture every time. Do a thorough check of their character and the way they do their things, you may not see spirituality in them.
Am not writing this to Judge any one or any Organization but how do we show out God in all that we do (Read Romans Chapter 3). Can someone know you are a Christian by mere seeing your Conduct?? Can God be seen in our actions (Ways of Implementation), Words, thoughts (Romans 12:1-2), and attitudes and is our Conscience always clear?.  Can we act according to his will and believe he always answers our prayers according to his will? Am not saying you may not get the favor, promotion, payment on time, treatment with utmost humility and any other thing you are praying for. All that am saying is that God remains God no matter the situation you go through, no matter the disappointments and no matter your Expectations that are not met (Romans 8:28). Remember God wants the very best of you, his Promises are yes and amen and is not like a son of man to lie (Numbers 23:19, Jeremiah 29:11, Psalms 139:14).
As I come to the end of this allow me urge us to pass on what we are taught to others. (2Timothy_2:2, and the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.)
Always ask yourself this question “what would Jesus Do” and do exactly what Jesus would do. Stop being defensive in everything trying to Justify How Important you are and which Position you hold or how you were right on your utterance.…… God our ultimate Role model never told people how great he is, he took himself as a servant and Yet People respected (still respect him up to today). The life we live should always be about God and this will make our Organizations and the World a better Place.
Many Blessings.