Thursday 10 September 2015

Organizational Hierarchy and Teamwork.

If there are places where I have been a number of times; it’s in the taxis. For my friends out of Uganda, taxi’s here are licensed to carry 14 passengers plus a driver and a conductor making sixteen human beings in a taxi. Speaking of a conductor, I remember the time I was in Namibia last year on a bus to Lusaka Zambia and the Driver said we have no conductors. He said “we’ve got Transport officers”. (!!!I wish I could write the statement the way he uttered it out). It was said in a way of appreciating the usefulness of the Conductor (Transport officer) to him.
I board a taxi on my way to and from work every day and am always amazed at the way the conductor and the driver exercise their roles effectively without compromising their responsibilities. To be concise and precise about this, they appreciate each other’s roles and work together as a team. It’s rare to find a driver telling a conductor that he does not need him. If you have ever entered a taxi whose conductor was absent you could give a brief story of your experience that day. As we all know if there is no conductor, the driver will have to park the taxi and Jump to the right to open the door for the passengers to get in or out and then he closes the door. To note is that, time is always wasted and no passenger ever gets happy about this.
So what lessons do we uphold from this?
1.      It’s good to have different authorities with different individuals in these respective positions but respect of each other’s presence should always be a crucial issue. You do not need to remind your subordinates and colleagues that you are their up line or down line. As in the case above, the conductor (Transport officer) does respect the contributions of the driver and accords him the due respect that he deserves and the reverse is always true.
2.      Whenever am in a taxi I get to appreciate the value of communication among the people you are always with. Much as we are always 14 passengers in the taxi, it’s always a fond act for the Conductor and the Driver to initiate a conversation of which the passengers later join. I admire the way they freely share without fear of who is in higher authority. Often times the driver advises the Conductor on what to do especially on which customer he has to take. As well noted the Conductor is the one who communicates to the driver on where to stop. Each passenger reports to the Conductor (Transport officer) who in turn asks the driver to have a stopover. Even when a passenger is seated with the driver in the front seat; a shout out to the conductor saying Maas'awo!! (Luganda phrase meaning stop right in front there...) is always heard.
3.      Besides our responsibilities at work we should endeavor to have a cordial relationship with our workmates. Work may unite us but what if it takes a short time? And or what if we get a career/Job/Location change? It’s the love and care we had for each other that can sustain our touch and social being. We should be mindful of the fact that even besides the work we do there is a life to live and appreciate the essence of needing each other. Even if you are a supervisor, do not make your superiors timid whenever they are to talk with you.
4.      Do not make the current position status quo at work to be like it will be like that forever. I have seen supervisors getting demoted and their former superiors becoming their bosses. Makes me get to have a moral lesson that we should do unto others what we would love them do for us. That way we will live a life of no regrets. This reminds me of a conversation with my Dad stressing it out that I can be what he didn’t become. I guess he must be proud of me now where he is!!!!!

In conclusion organizational hierarchy is key for any organizations’ growth but if there is no teamwork among the employees the actual growth of the organization may remain a dream. It’s just as important as having good concepts on paper with no or little implementation. Employees should be motivated by their employers if efficiency and effectiveness at their work is to be realized. May the Lord’s Guidance be with us all as we do what he set us to do (Mathew 28:19)

Sunday 9 August 2015

Lets be mindful of others

Most times; when we walk into big malls, boutiques and supermarkets, we never question their prices. We pay exactly what we see on the price tags and even hand out tips to the staff.
But the moment we are out of these shops and want to buy banana, our bargaining game gets off to the roof. Poor widow with 12 hungry children at home tells you banana is Shs 100. She even takes out her time to explain how difficult it was for her to even buy it, how the economy is so tough and  how the economy has changed because of a dollar that she has never held in her hand.

But we insist that if it's not Shs 50 ( Not even equal to 0.005 Cents), we are not paying. Some of us even step back into our cars and make to drive away. But because 'half bread is better chin chin', this woman is forced to call you back and sell to you at little or no gain. In her heart, she cries, she's worried about how she'll survive with her children. She silently reassures herself that 'It's well.

God will definitely provide.'' While you happily chop the luscious banana. Take some seconds out and think about this, guys. Am always moved to tears when I see people who genuinely and helplessly hawk petty goods to feed and survive for that day, especially women and children. Please don't bargain hard with small vendors like this. They do business not to buy designer bags, Gucci shoes and designer clothes but to LIVE and EAT for that day and the children share the remaining money to take to school the next day (that's if there's any left).
"He who gives to the poor lends to his maker" change begins with us
Doing Acts of Charity to the Less Privileged.

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Why is it easy to blame others?

In today’s community blame game has become the talk of the day.  It may be hard to find someone who appreciates his inadequacies and admits that he can as well make mistakes.  What happened to self evaluation? If you start a conversation with particular individual higher chances are that you will hear the way he blames the others if not blaming you; even when he or she had a role to play in the issue at hand. 
When it comes to us Christians we tend to make ourselves more righteous and brand others to be nonspiritual with no passion for ministry.  Makes me wonder whether there is any body with a spiritual meter much as it’s true that we will know them by their fruits. What happened to leaving the Judgment to the righteous Judge?
Talk of organizations, its common to find employees of a particular organization blaming other organizations for misusing the funds they get without self assessment to prove that whatever they claim to be doing is actually in place. When it gets in politics it becomes too bad. Any way that’s what makes it a dirty game.  The best person who can de-campaign others and prove to the general public how good he is and how good he can deliver wins it all.
What happened to Empathy, Pity, Compassion, Kindness, affinity, concern for others, appreciation, intuition, consideration, consensus, and consistency? Should our self esteem and confidence be at the expense of others?
For top managers in government and organizations they mind about themselves and do not care what the subordinates get. Am not blaming anybody here but am just wondering why they rarely put themselves in the shoes of their subordinate’s while making eminent decisions. Some may un necessarily fly in and out or use the money extravagantly yet such expenses would better the whole community at once. Remember the prices for products in super markets are uniform for all irrespective of one’s salary or earning.  Why shouldn’t employers be considerate to their employees? I know to answer this last question majority of employers may resort to firing their employees or hiring new staff. I guess firing or hiring new staff can never be a solution; the root cause of the problem has to be dealt with. The root problem has to be analyzed thoroughly well without being Judgmental.

In conclusion would we stop blaming others and consider their worth? Why don’t we endeavor not to respond when we are angry? And why shouldn’t we evaluate situations before we rush to self made conclusions? Why shouldn’t we stop considering our selves higher than others? Remember that we need each other even amidst personal weaknesses and strength. As Christians why don’t we council each other instead of back biting our fellow believers. If only we complimented each other instead of blaming each other, growth would be communal other than individualistic. Blessings to us all as we do unto others what we would love them do to us ( Mathew 7:12, Luke 6: 31, James 2:8-16.) 

Thursday 12 March 2015

If only we did what we Claim to be knowing and Doing, the World would be a better Place.

Of late 1am fond of analyzing myself and the situations around me. As always allow me share some of my realizations.  Yesterday I was engaged somewhere (If you could guess it right its okay) and I confirmed that there is a lot to be learnt and known if am to be the best IT Professional I want to be.
Why is it easy to see some other persons’ or organizations’ Mistakes/weaknesses and fail to know yours? Some organizations and Companies have great Vision and Mission Statements and yet have little proof and evidence of what they claim to be doing or if it is there; it is not at the level they say it is at.  (Sorry to be dramatic because am not an Auditor). Have you met somebody who openly tells you what he is not good at? In most cases we are always optimistic (With Positive Thoughts) which to me is a great thing to do but I guess a personal reflection into our weaknesses should also be done.
Talk of the Politicians; everyone is always good/excellent especially at the Campaigning stage. What happens when they have assumed office, their weaknesses come to a spotlight but when it comes to another time of Contesting; Voters are overshadowed. Anyway that’s why they are Politicians because they Play Politics.
Talk of People in the Health Sector; we even have Nurses and Laboratory attendants who publicly introduce themselves as Doctors because I guess Doctors are more respectable in our Societies. What happened to Honesty?
Talk of Education sector; we have Lecturers who teach students the theoretical Knowledge but lack the implementation of what they teach and yet they easily find mistakes in the practical works of their Students.
I remember a time last year when I had a business meeting in Kenya with a Dutch Angel Investor Jam-Maarten Plomp and when he asked about what my business does, the answer was not satisfactory. I seemed to be having an array of business Concepts but lacked Focus product or Service which I wanted to be known for.
If you are an HR or have at least been on an interview Panel you may easily see what am trying to say here. Great appreciation to the HR’s and all those that have ever been interviewers or panelists during the initial recruitment processes of Employees. I mean you can easily see how a person is fairing at what he claims to be Knowing. You may easily tell who is good, fair or worse.  Thanks for observing Confidentiality because it would be embarrassing if the results got known by the public.
We have come to a situation where Academic papers are not enough proof of individual capabilities. It may not be surprising to go to an Employment Interview three years after your graduation and fail to answer a few concepts concerning your career path and yet you scored an A in that very field while still at Campus. That’s why at times we have wishful thoughts….”I wish I got this offer when I just left Campus”. If you share what you have failed with people around you; some of them may even tend to say…”How could you fail that simple question and yet they could also fail if they got subjected to the same. That may explain why we have the blame game.
Learning is a continuous process. It’s about replacing an empty mind with an open mind. A personal reflection thus has to be done, failures embraced with good faith and weaknesses taken care of. The more you study or get challenged, the more you discover your Ignorance. Every Instructor assumes that you have nothing else to do except studying that Instructors Course and yet that course alone may not be substantial. The Good thing today we have more academic Platforms like where you can easily get enriched. Some of the simple things we fail on the panels can easily be searched using our smart phones (If you have one). My Teachable sprit Continues to grow every day especially if I get to think of a challenge. Remember any kind of Examination is formidable even to the best prepared, for even the greatest fool may ask more than the wisest man can answer. So you should always have something to learn and gain the degree of life.
Above all endeavor to do what you claim to be doing (I Know it’s a work in Progress). If you claim to be helping the needy, go ahead and do it. Focus at putting yourself on a competitive edge. Do what you can do best as you learn new skills and Knowledge to match what you claim to be knowing but you don’t know it yet and together we will create the change we want to see making the world a better place.

Saturday 21 February 2015

Is thank you and God bless you an Enough appreciation to Christians?

Of recent, a fellow believer called me for my Computer Services. His computer’s operating system needed to be replaced and he needed some other soft wares. I sacrificed my time and paid a transit fare to his work place. The service was well done and the Computer became functional again. In appreciation for my service he said thank you and may the Lord God bless you.  Then I asked him, you mean you are not giving me a monetary equivalent for the work well done? And he said ” the computer does the work of God and so making it functional again is Glorifying God and am sure he is going to bless you for the work well done”.  He further went ahead and said paying you is not a good investment and use of the Lord’s money. I guess he is too spiritual than Iam and that I may admit because I always like to pay others for what I ask them to do for me if Monetary payment is needed. If he was not too spiritual, a fairer response could may be have been since you are my friend I just needed your help to enable me do my work and am grateful you have been of great help. As a person I started having wishful thoughts like I wish I had not come to service your Computer, I wish I had used my time in doing other constructive things.  May be I had a poor attitude, but as Christians let’s not make our fellow believers develop wrong attitudes. Let’s have humility and learn and follow Jesus’ example. (Philippians 2:5-6)
As born again Christian’s “Thank you” and “God bless you” have become so much part of our Vocabulary that we even use it where it’s not supposed to be. To those going to born again Churches if they hear this from me, they may say we are not surprised to hear this from you because you are an Anglican. This makes me come to wonder why different churches preach against each other instead of focusing on the Truth. (John 14:6).  If I had offered to help my fellow believer as in my case above, Thank you and God Bless you would have been a much more relevant statement.
I conclusion, irrespective of the responsibility you hold accord all people the due respect and treatment they deserve. Being in a bigger authority makes you more accountable to God than your subjects and you should thus use your office in a way that pleases God. Do the right things at the right time in the right place and let your actions, words, attitudes, thoughts bring the Glory back to God. If this is done Harmony and Peace will flourish in our organizations and Communities.