Saturday 21 February 2015

Is thank you and God bless you an Enough appreciation to Christians?

Of recent, a fellow believer called me for my Computer Services. His computer’s operating system needed to be replaced and he needed some other soft wares. I sacrificed my time and paid a transit fare to his work place. The service was well done and the Computer became functional again. In appreciation for my service he said thank you and may the Lord God bless you.  Then I asked him, you mean you are not giving me a monetary equivalent for the work well done? And he said ” the computer does the work of God and so making it functional again is Glorifying God and am sure he is going to bless you for the work well done”.  He further went ahead and said paying you is not a good investment and use of the Lord’s money. I guess he is too spiritual than Iam and that I may admit because I always like to pay others for what I ask them to do for me if Monetary payment is needed. If he was not too spiritual, a fairer response could may be have been since you are my friend I just needed your help to enable me do my work and am grateful you have been of great help. As a person I started having wishful thoughts like I wish I had not come to service your Computer, I wish I had used my time in doing other constructive things.  May be I had a poor attitude, but as Christians let’s not make our fellow believers develop wrong attitudes. Let’s have humility and learn and follow Jesus’ example. (Philippians 2:5-6)
As born again Christian’s “Thank you” and “God bless you” have become so much part of our Vocabulary that we even use it where it’s not supposed to be. To those going to born again Churches if they hear this from me, they may say we are not surprised to hear this from you because you are an Anglican. This makes me come to wonder why different churches preach against each other instead of focusing on the Truth. (John 14:6).  If I had offered to help my fellow believer as in my case above, Thank you and God Bless you would have been a much more relevant statement.
I conclusion, irrespective of the responsibility you hold accord all people the due respect and treatment they deserve. Being in a bigger authority makes you more accountable to God than your subjects and you should thus use your office in a way that pleases God. Do the right things at the right time in the right place and let your actions, words, attitudes, thoughts bring the Glory back to God. If this is done Harmony and Peace will flourish in our organizations and Communities.