Thursday 12 March 2015

If only we did what we Claim to be knowing and Doing, the World would be a better Place.

Of late 1am fond of analyzing myself and the situations around me. As always allow me share some of my realizations.  Yesterday I was engaged somewhere (If you could guess it right its okay) and I confirmed that there is a lot to be learnt and known if am to be the best IT Professional I want to be.
Why is it easy to see some other persons’ or organizations’ Mistakes/weaknesses and fail to know yours? Some organizations and Companies have great Vision and Mission Statements and yet have little proof and evidence of what they claim to be doing or if it is there; it is not at the level they say it is at.  (Sorry to be dramatic because am not an Auditor). Have you met somebody who openly tells you what he is not good at? In most cases we are always optimistic (With Positive Thoughts) which to me is a great thing to do but I guess a personal reflection into our weaknesses should also be done.
Talk of the Politicians; everyone is always good/excellent especially at the Campaigning stage. What happens when they have assumed office, their weaknesses come to a spotlight but when it comes to another time of Contesting; Voters are overshadowed. Anyway that’s why they are Politicians because they Play Politics.
Talk of People in the Health Sector; we even have Nurses and Laboratory attendants who publicly introduce themselves as Doctors because I guess Doctors are more respectable in our Societies. What happened to Honesty?
Talk of Education sector; we have Lecturers who teach students the theoretical Knowledge but lack the implementation of what they teach and yet they easily find mistakes in the practical works of their Students.
I remember a time last year when I had a business meeting in Kenya with a Dutch Angel Investor Jam-Maarten Plomp and when he asked about what my business does, the answer was not satisfactory. I seemed to be having an array of business Concepts but lacked Focus product or Service which I wanted to be known for.
If you are an HR or have at least been on an interview Panel you may easily see what am trying to say here. Great appreciation to the HR’s and all those that have ever been interviewers or panelists during the initial recruitment processes of Employees. I mean you can easily see how a person is fairing at what he claims to be Knowing. You may easily tell who is good, fair or worse.  Thanks for observing Confidentiality because it would be embarrassing if the results got known by the public.
We have come to a situation where Academic papers are not enough proof of individual capabilities. It may not be surprising to go to an Employment Interview three years after your graduation and fail to answer a few concepts concerning your career path and yet you scored an A in that very field while still at Campus. That’s why at times we have wishful thoughts….”I wish I got this offer when I just left Campus”. If you share what you have failed with people around you; some of them may even tend to say…”How could you fail that simple question and yet they could also fail if they got subjected to the same. That may explain why we have the blame game.
Learning is a continuous process. It’s about replacing an empty mind with an open mind. A personal reflection thus has to be done, failures embraced with good faith and weaknesses taken care of. The more you study or get challenged, the more you discover your Ignorance. Every Instructor assumes that you have nothing else to do except studying that Instructors Course and yet that course alone may not be substantial. The Good thing today we have more academic Platforms like where you can easily get enriched. Some of the simple things we fail on the panels can easily be searched using our smart phones (If you have one). My Teachable sprit Continues to grow every day especially if I get to think of a challenge. Remember any kind of Examination is formidable even to the best prepared, for even the greatest fool may ask more than the wisest man can answer. So you should always have something to learn and gain the degree of life.
Above all endeavor to do what you claim to be doing (I Know it’s a work in Progress). If you claim to be helping the needy, go ahead and do it. Focus at putting yourself on a competitive edge. Do what you can do best as you learn new skills and Knowledge to match what you claim to be knowing but you don’t know it yet and together we will create the change we want to see making the world a better place.