Wednesday 15 July 2015

Why is it easy to blame others?

In today’s community blame game has become the talk of the day.  It may be hard to find someone who appreciates his inadequacies and admits that he can as well make mistakes.  What happened to self evaluation? If you start a conversation with particular individual higher chances are that you will hear the way he blames the others if not blaming you; even when he or she had a role to play in the issue at hand. 
When it comes to us Christians we tend to make ourselves more righteous and brand others to be nonspiritual with no passion for ministry.  Makes me wonder whether there is any body with a spiritual meter much as it’s true that we will know them by their fruits. What happened to leaving the Judgment to the righteous Judge?
Talk of organizations, its common to find employees of a particular organization blaming other organizations for misusing the funds they get without self assessment to prove that whatever they claim to be doing is actually in place. When it gets in politics it becomes too bad. Any way that’s what makes it a dirty game.  The best person who can de-campaign others and prove to the general public how good he is and how good he can deliver wins it all.
What happened to Empathy, Pity, Compassion, Kindness, affinity, concern for others, appreciation, intuition, consideration, consensus, and consistency? Should our self esteem and confidence be at the expense of others?
For top managers in government and organizations they mind about themselves and do not care what the subordinates get. Am not blaming anybody here but am just wondering why they rarely put themselves in the shoes of their subordinate’s while making eminent decisions. Some may un necessarily fly in and out or use the money extravagantly yet such expenses would better the whole community at once. Remember the prices for products in super markets are uniform for all irrespective of one’s salary or earning.  Why shouldn’t employers be considerate to their employees? I know to answer this last question majority of employers may resort to firing their employees or hiring new staff. I guess firing or hiring new staff can never be a solution; the root cause of the problem has to be dealt with. The root problem has to be analyzed thoroughly well without being Judgmental.

In conclusion would we stop blaming others and consider their worth? Why don’t we endeavor not to respond when we are angry? And why shouldn’t we evaluate situations before we rush to self made conclusions? Why shouldn’t we stop considering our selves higher than others? Remember that we need each other even amidst personal weaknesses and strength. As Christians why don’t we council each other instead of back biting our fellow believers. If only we complimented each other instead of blaming each other, growth would be communal other than individualistic. Blessings to us all as we do unto others what we would love them do to us ( Mathew 7:12, Luke 6: 31, James 2:8-16.)