Thursday 10 September 2015

Organizational Hierarchy and Teamwork.

If there are places where I have been a number of times; it’s in the taxis. For my friends out of Uganda, taxi’s here are licensed to carry 14 passengers plus a driver and a conductor making sixteen human beings in a taxi. Speaking of a conductor, I remember the time I was in Namibia last year on a bus to Lusaka Zambia and the Driver said we have no conductors. He said “we’ve got Transport officers”. (!!!I wish I could write the statement the way he uttered it out). It was said in a way of appreciating the usefulness of the Conductor (Transport officer) to him.
I board a taxi on my way to and from work every day and am always amazed at the way the conductor and the driver exercise their roles effectively without compromising their responsibilities. To be concise and precise about this, they appreciate each other’s roles and work together as a team. It’s rare to find a driver telling a conductor that he does not need him. If you have ever entered a taxi whose conductor was absent you could give a brief story of your experience that day. As we all know if there is no conductor, the driver will have to park the taxi and Jump to the right to open the door for the passengers to get in or out and then he closes the door. To note is that, time is always wasted and no passenger ever gets happy about this.
So what lessons do we uphold from this?
1.      It’s good to have different authorities with different individuals in these respective positions but respect of each other’s presence should always be a crucial issue. You do not need to remind your subordinates and colleagues that you are their up line or down line. As in the case above, the conductor (Transport officer) does respect the contributions of the driver and accords him the due respect that he deserves and the reverse is always true.
2.      Whenever am in a taxi I get to appreciate the value of communication among the people you are always with. Much as we are always 14 passengers in the taxi, it’s always a fond act for the Conductor and the Driver to initiate a conversation of which the passengers later join. I admire the way they freely share without fear of who is in higher authority. Often times the driver advises the Conductor on what to do especially on which customer he has to take. As well noted the Conductor is the one who communicates to the driver on where to stop. Each passenger reports to the Conductor (Transport officer) who in turn asks the driver to have a stopover. Even when a passenger is seated with the driver in the front seat; a shout out to the conductor saying Maas'awo!! (Luganda phrase meaning stop right in front there...) is always heard.
3.      Besides our responsibilities at work we should endeavor to have a cordial relationship with our workmates. Work may unite us but what if it takes a short time? And or what if we get a career/Job/Location change? It’s the love and care we had for each other that can sustain our touch and social being. We should be mindful of the fact that even besides the work we do there is a life to live and appreciate the essence of needing each other. Even if you are a supervisor, do not make your superiors timid whenever they are to talk with you.
4.      Do not make the current position status quo at work to be like it will be like that forever. I have seen supervisors getting demoted and their former superiors becoming their bosses. Makes me get to have a moral lesson that we should do unto others what we would love them do for us. That way we will live a life of no regrets. This reminds me of a conversation with my Dad stressing it out that I can be what he didn’t become. I guess he must be proud of me now where he is!!!!!

In conclusion organizational hierarchy is key for any organizations’ growth but if there is no teamwork among the employees the actual growth of the organization may remain a dream. It’s just as important as having good concepts on paper with no or little implementation. Employees should be motivated by their employers if efficiency and effectiveness at their work is to be realized. May the Lord’s Guidance be with us all as we do what he set us to do (Mathew 28:19)