Friday 22 April 2016

Stewardship of our Responsibilities

In my community most of the people give birth to so many children saying God is the provider and carer. Yes God is a provider but I think at times we have too much belief in God to the extent that we tend to ignore our responsibilities.

That's why we have so many irresponsible parents.It pierces my heart to see this repeating its self. If we are to end poverty apart from giving handouts can we train our beneficiaries to observe their responsibilities.

To my friends and age mates who are getting married in my community can we work on producing those we can care about. That way we will reduce the poverty levels. We have to care about others and their well being but the responsibility starts from us as individuals and and as a family. I would love to see my community transformed.

I would love to hear parents giving birth to those they can care for not giving birth to children who later be branded "Children of that Charity organization" because it has offered to support them. Together we can end Poverty.God teach us how to observe our responsibilities. In Jesus' Name I pray.