Wednesday 18 May 2016

Passion for ministry

Over a year ago, I had a friend resign from his former Job and got another Job in another ministry organization. As soon as he left; his former boss rushed to say “he had no passion for ministry after all”.

This got me to start wondering about what the word “Ministry” really means.  This put me into a serious time of thinking and meditation.

Allow me share with you my realizations of what ministry is:-

It’s about what you are willing to sacrifice. (Mark 12:43-44; calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44 They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.”)

It’s not only about what others will comment about it but about the Joy and happiness that it will leave on your heart.

It’s not about how much you gain from it but about the impact your small contribution can make to the great commission.

It’s not about pleasing your boss or superior. It’s about pleasing God to whom Glory, honor and majesty belongs. To note is that if your actions please God, God will make your subordinates and superiors be grateful and thankful to have you on their team. (Mark 12:41-42, 41 Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42 But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents).

It’s not being selfish egocentric but it’s about valuing the contributions of those whom you share a cause; call it your partners in the ministry.

It’s not about the adverts, connections or number of people who know you. It’s about who can testify about the impact of your work and ministry and God’s endorsement upon it.  

It’s not being judgmental and self-righteous but it’s about recognizing that with our Christ you are full of filthy rags.

It’s not about complaining but about having a heart full of gratitude and positive thoughts. (Psalm 50:14, Make thankfulness your sacrifice to God, and keep the vows you made to the Most High).

It’s not about your net worth but rather about working towards your eternal reward and prize.

It’s not about the type of car or gadget you hold today, it’s about walking towards God’s crown.

Does one need to be in a particular organization to be a minister of God? I guess not, we are all called to be ministers of God 24/7(Mathew 28:19). Do we need to compete each other in ministry? My answer to this is also a no; we should rather complement each other and walk worthy of the calling we have received (Ephesians chapter 4).

As I conclude as honorable ministers in God’s kingdom we are called to be the salt and light of the world. We should be oaks of righteousness; a planting of the LORD to display his splendor (Isaiah 61:3).


Monday 2 May 2016

What if all Christians behaved like Jesus

I will begin my write up today with the population percentage of Christians in a few selected countries according to different research findings. We have 88% in Uganda, 73% in USA, 95.6% in DRC, 92% in Mexico, 92.4% in the Philippines, 70.3% in Russia, 92.7 in Argentine and 95.7% in Poland. A Christian ought to mean Christ likeness.
Most of the people call themselves Christians because they attend a particular church. Others say they are Christians because they work with a Christian organization or because they adhere to a particular church tradition or culture.
There are higher chances that some of the evil we see in our communities are done by “Christians”. Uganda for example with an 88% population of Christians is known for corruption and embezzlement. I mean why is there so much evil and sin in communities with Christians? God as Christians we have fallen short of your Glory. May you cleanse the world and restore it to order.
Should a Christian be without concern for others and remain selfish? Have you pondered on how the world would be if all the Christians were like Jesus Christ? If all Christians get to be like Christ, it would simply mean walking in broad day light. None of us would be found with any spot on the day of his return.
We should thus see God as much bigger than our tiny views. As Christians we are supposed to be followers of God and Christ invokes us to be "fishers of men (Mathew 4:19). Luke 10:2 says, “He told them; the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field”. We have to allow to be used of God to bring harvest as his workmanship.
It’s my prayer that all of us Christians would mirror the Christ in us and that we shall be a salt and light to the world. That we will show God’s love to each other in all that we do and above all work in unity. That we will speak of God’s truth instead of speaking against any other Christian denomination. That we will focus on God’s word not prosperity messages. That we will trust in God and lean not on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5). That we will aim at pleasing him alone in all that we do. In Jesus’ Name I pray.