Monday 22 August 2016

The greatest Search Engine ever

Guess what the most powerful and greatest search engine is? Its neither google nor yahoo. It is the Mind. It finds what you focus it on to look for and your search results are your reality, your outcomes and ultimately your life. 

As George Lucas wrote in Star Wars episode one, your focus determines your reality. The focus of your attention and thought like the search engine is in putted in your mind which later late on pulls specific amount of data. Queries are inputted in the mind which scans the strings of data in relation to what you put in your search box. 

We are all presented with a blank page and what we spend time focusing on and thinking about matters a lot. As a search engine it does not play games or favorites. It seems it’s the rule of the universe. Terrible search results can simply be blamed on bad input/search inquiry. We need to stop thinking that it’s who we are or its the cross we are meant to bare, doomed for poverty, or failure (Let go of the excuses). Change your inquiry and you will get great results. 

Do not dwell on what ifs or blaming your background. Your mind will not care what you search for. It will deliver results marching your inquiry in forms of success, joy, and happiness to mention but a few. If you do not like the results you are getting, you do not blame the search engine but instead have to change the inquiry and you will get required results.

 Will your focus your mind on what is positive today, what’s possible and the ideas, people and actions you need to make it happen. Remember to strive for results over everything. Keep your search engine (the Mind) working on the positive results that you seek. Register on to for daily mentorship. You will be inspired on a daily basis.