Saturday 31 December 2016

My 2016 in Review, Happy 2017 to you

I love social media yearly reviews but they only get to capture moments that one posts. What of those moments that do not get to be posted? I have thus decided to draft my moments of 2016 to be able to share them with you all.
I boarded my longest flight with a total duration of 21 hours. Thank you 2016 for teaching me the meaning of Jetlag!!!. It was my first main lesson in the Genesis of 2016. I now understand the meaning of different time Zones. I remember when I almost went to ask the Pilot about why he forgot to land. (Will be my story for another day).
I’m so grateful for friends and family here in the USA who made my transition so smooth. Some people have been asking me whether am home sick. To answer your question, how could I be home sick when I have people here who I call family and who take me as part of their family?. I got to spend my first Christmas out of Uganda here and I was so overwhelmed by the gifts that I got from my American family. Have you ever been in a situation where you do not know how to express your sense of gratitude? Where thank you seems to be an understatement? That’s where I have been this season. To all the people that I have met in my 10 months’ time here in the USA am glad I got to meet you and long to keep in touch with you.
I’m so grateful to God for using me as a child advocate. I got to travel to over eight US States and advocated for children in extreme poverty. I got to increase my effective communication and presentation skills and helped Sponsors, donors and Compassion International staff better understand the impact of their partnership with compassion International. Being a member of the Quality Assurance team at Compassion International has been such a blessing and the best gift that I would ask for and the best gift that 2016 would give to me.
2016 also saw me became a member of Toastmasters International, gave 7 speeches and got voted as best speaker and best table topics speaker most of the times. I got to learn to constantly let people evaluate me after every speaking engagement which made me a better story teller. This increased my cross cultural competencies by engaging with several people. Consistent feedback's from the people I have interacted with have shaped my point of view. I have learned how to build mutual understanding and human relationships which are necessary for achieving my future professional goals. I got so many people added onto my friends list and am so grateful for having you (One reading this post) as a friend. God made you and I know each other for a purpose. We just have to listen to him as he speaks and allow him do in us what he alone can do.
In 2016, I became a Scaled Agile Certified Training Practitioner, a Certified Social Marketing Manager, a certified google AdWords professional and enhanced my information Technology knowledge and skills.
I got to see all the Star wars Movies (Waiting for Star Wars 8 next year) this year and got to watch almost all the superhero movies. I guess you agree with me that this is also an achievement.
Whereas I do not know what 2017 has in store for me, I know the one who holds the future. He will lead and I will follow. I await him to open doors for me and am convinced that the doors he opens always have more to offer. He alone knows the end from the beginning. Not even the best New Year resolution makers can comprehend the Lord’s dealings and way of planning.
Wishing you a divine inspired, fire filled, happy and prosperous 2017.#Happy #new #Year