Monday 28 August 2017

Good Bye Colorado

If my life was a book, today would be the end of my chapter in Colorado Springs.  God has immensely Blessed me and always opens doors for me whenever I need one open!!. To note is that the doors he opens always have more to offer and most of them come through the people he brings along my paths. When I look back to where he has brought me from I feel like trusting his leading even more. He knows the way and mine is to only follow.  Meeting you (Reader of this post) might have been a portion of the chapter that needed to be written in the past 1.5 years and am thankful for all your input.  Based from the many conversations held over work and meals shared together; a number of you may be co-authors in my next chapter of life.  From Wednesday last week till today I have been going out for breakfast, Lunch and dinner as a way of saying bye to my friends.  I have had a limited time to say bye to all of my great friends and that’s why I have decided to draft a good bye message to whoever might be interested in one. 
I trust that the Lord will reveal the many other pieces of my next chapter and perhaps one of you would be the person that the Lord uses to do that. 

In as much as I don’t feel like leaving Colorado I feel like the Lord chooses me to leave and I must say good bye to you in love.  To all the people that I have met; just know that you have been a divine appointment to me and I will miss you so dearly. I look forward to seeing you again either in this side of the earth or in heaven. I will be heading to Pennsylvania tomorrow morning where I will eventually set off from to go back to my homeland Uganda at a time that is not yet determined. Who knows, maybe I will write another Colorado Chapter. Stay Tuned!!!!!!