Monday 23 October 2017

Stop panicking and wondering

I love starting my day with quiet time and devotion. In today’s devotion, the word of God encouraged me to stop panicking when in difficult situations. Have you gone into situations where you fail to see God through it? When nights seem to be longer than they actually are?  When are you anxious and panicking? If you are in such a situation right now, I would like to let you know that God stays true to his sovereign plan and knows the end from the very beginning. I may not know what you are going through but God knows. Philippians 4:19-20 tells of the way God will supply all our needs according to his riches in Glory. Glory will always be to him forever and ever.
I have been following the political climate in my mother country Uganda and to be honest, am not so happy with what is going on. I have often been wondering whether God is even working things out for the good of the country. Been asking myself several questions like why do people react the way they do? How does the president feel when such is going on in the country that he claims to be leading so well? Why do honest souls die from gunshots? What happened to freedom of expression?
The more I ask myself these questions, the more my mind goes into a wonderland! I am reminded that God is never anxious and never gets confused. I thus trust in all that he is doing even in situations that seem hopeless. The solution to today’s political situations does not rely on people with political might; it relies on the sovereign God. I would like to request you to join me in praying for politics of not only my motherland but also for the whole world. It is my prayer that God will do what only he can do.
I know that leadership comes from God and I am well assured that he can transform the hearts of the bad leaders into the leaders he wants them to be. God predestined us for adoption as sons and daughters through Jesus Christ, according to the purposes of his will, to the praise of his Glorious Grace.

For further reading and encouragement please consider reading my main devotional text today; Ephesians 1:3-12. Wishing you a blessed day and a fruitful week.