Monday 11 December 2017

Who do you condemn?The sinner or sin?

As Christians, we should not judge or condemn people based on their actions. We should acknowledge sin and let the Holy Spirit do the conviction and conversion. The problem we have these days is that some Christians play as God. Manipulating scriptures to suite a few people’s interests at the expense of others is wrong. Discriminating people based on church traditions may draw the discriminated even further from the truth. As Christians, we ought to go back to the truth and ask ourselves of what Jesus would do whenever making decisions. Can one fight sin without fighting the sinner? Yes, with effective communication. Let us ponder on Jesus’ reaction when they brought an adulterous woman to him. The rest of the people accused the adulterous woman but Jesus’ approach was a different one. His response was one that condemns none but one that is compelling to stop someone from sinning anymore (John 8: 2-11).