Sunday 7 January 2018

Stop figuring your life out

Today is the 7th day of 2018 and yet I am still trying to figure out how my year will be. I have often found myself spending much of my mental time figuring out how things are going, how they went or how things will go. No matter how hard I think, there is always that unknown thing that surpasses my own understanding. Yes, I desire to know and understand many things but I have found myself needing more knowledge, wisdom and understating. Actually, there are times when I wonder what I got for myself.
Are you like me and have moments when you wish you knew what you could not know? Do you have moments when you begin to think that you are not good enough? Life may bring situations to us that are beyond our control. Some of these happenings may even be hard to bare. We try to look for solutions to our problems but instead sink farther into the very problems we want to solve. We end up blaming others or ourselves for every bad thing that happens to us. It becomes hard to let go and move on with life. This is perhaps why there are many problems in the world. The more we try to figure things out without involving God the more we escalate the situations. Our personal rest turns into anxiety and depression.
Biblical characters like David also faced difficult situations. They also had those moments when they failed to have their lives figured out. Lets us ponder on the Psalmist’s words “Yes, my soul, finds rest in God; my hope comes from him. Truly, he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge “(Psalm 62:5-7). David acknowledged that he could not figure things out. He, however, knew someone who had it all figured out. He was in a perfect relationship with this guy that figures it all for us. His name is Jesus. His trust in the Lord no matter what life brought to him (Good or bad) earned him the title of a man after God’s own heart.

Friends, I do not know what you are going through but I know the one who knows it all. He is willing to Journey 2018 with you and he will figure out every detail in your favor. There is no need of being overwhelmed by things beyond our potentials. There is, however, a need to surrender it all to God. We have to trust in the one who has it all figured out for our good and his Glory.