Friday 3 August 2018

The room that you and I need!!

I have come to know of a room that I think everybody alive needs. This room is not concerned about one’s net worth. This room fits everyone’s budget. This room does not care about how long you have been doing what you claim to know or be doing the best way known to you. To this room, the level of experience that one claims to have does not count. Even people with the worst resumes need it.  It does not take into account the number of people who report to you or how many people you manage. With this room, not even the very learned with Ph.D.'s can claim mastery of it. This room still holds even when you make a great contribution to this world. This room is universal to everyone, young or old, rich or poor. This room does not pay attention to your origin or color of your skin. To this room, your religious affiliation is not a big deal. It works for all people irrespective of their position of authority. This room is the biggest room available for all people irrespective of their lifestyles. You do not need to have any rewards to get this room. This room is the room for improvement. Friends, I do not care who you are, where you are from or what you do, but I care if you have this wonderful room. Would you spare some time to nurture this room today? It can be in your relationships or work. You need this room in your daily life either at work or at home.
Just like a hotel room, here are four hacks about your room of improvement:
1.     It is an opportunity to make every day a memorable adventure. Each day is an opportunity to learn from our mistakes and improve on our strengths.
2.     It needs appropriate safety measures. Make it your priority and do safety checks before you conduct yourself in a particular way. Developing a teachable spirit and being empathetic may be good safety measures.  Set your room up for the safety of yourself and those that need to benefit from your learning.
3.     It needs you to inspect all the neglected areas and corners of your life. Some of those neglected areas may be your perception of self or others. If you are the kind of person that thinks is always right and the rest of the world is wrong, check yourself. Make sure that everything is tip-top before you get comfortable in your room.
4.     It requires you to check those annoying guests. Those people who always think less of you should not be in any of your worries. Learn from their utterances but do not dwell on them.  
May the Lord’s will be done as you enter into this room of daily improvement. Be different as you make a difference.