Tuesday 15 January 2019

What are your personal priorities for 2019?

Today is officially the 15th day of 2019. So much has already happened. My New Year resolutions and goals are already set. I guess your goals are all set as well. As I reflect on the past 15 days, I realize that it is easier to set goals and resolutions than to follow through with them. I need to be intentional at pursuing my goals rest I will fall behind on some of them. I need to continuously shape my resolutions and ensure that they align with the Lord’s will for my life. This means that I have to learn how to silence the noise around me and perhaps the noise that is inside my mind.

There are so many things out there that I should be seeking for. As I searched and sought for what is in 2019 for me, God brought to mind Mathew 6:33 as my 2019 verse of the year. The word of the Lord says, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Mathew 6:33). Seeking God’s Kingdom and his righteousness should be my daily longing yet at times, my personal drive seems to want to take control. Lord, I want you to be my one desire.

This year I would like to grow in my personal walk with Jesus. I want righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit to be my daily portion. I desire to let go of enslavement by my own goals and vision. I want to conform to the image of God and follow his perfect will.

Friends, when I do something that you do not like, please let me know about it in a gracefully way. I promise to manage my responses. I will continue to learn to communicate with love and listen with grace as well. I need to access more of God’s grace and Joy on a daily basis. #Happy2019