Thursday 14 February 2019

What is the right pace of life’s journey?

We all love to think that life is a Journey. Oliver Goldsmith is quoted asserting “Life is a journey that has to be traveled no matter how bad the roads and accommodation”. We may like or dislike our current pace but we need to keep moving. We may fly, run, walk or crawl but we have to keep going. If you have ever set off for a road trip, you would love to check how long it takes to get to your destination and then find or set the right pace.
A pace can mean an established rate of locomotion. Webster dictionary defines pace as “the rate of movement or rate of progress”. We may measure the rate of movement in terms of miles per hour as the case may be in America or Kilometers per hour for countries that use a different metric system like my motherland Uganda. For those that drive, driving on a highway may be preferred to driving on a parkway because the speed limit may be higher. Highway driving may get us to our intended destination in the shortest time possible. On the journey of life, we may not have any speed limit posted anywhere. So how can we know how fast we can move?
Just like speed bumps on the road, life has so many speed bumps. Life has so many setbacks that we might have to overcome if we are to be successful. If we get so focused on the future, we may hit the speed bumps of today so hard that we may end up being depressed. If on our own life’s journeys, we desire to self-drive, the journey may be rougher than it is supposed to be. However, if we allow God to journey life with us, he will help us figure out the right pace to move on. God is the best pacesetter that we can ever have. With the pacesetter, not even the sky is the speed limit.
The good news is that God even knows the end from the beginning. Our frustrations of today do not change God’s intended plan for us. It is my desire that we fix our eyes onto God throughout our life’s Journey. God’s pace will get us out of the bumpy roads. His perfect plan will help us to stay in our lanes if when life gets so bumpy. Even when we get to drive our physical bodies through the tunnels of the shadow of death, his presence will be right there with us. Our right pace for you and me is one set by the pacesetter himself. Let us be in tune with his pace for our lives. #HappyValentine’s #day