Tuesday 2 April 2019

What is your response to adversity?

I listen, read biographies and talk to successful people and the more I do that, the more I hear mistakes, screw-up’s, fears and failures. I also hear that those downers and adversities were blessings in disguise. They paved the way for the success they later enjoyed.
I do not know about you but it seems like I am naturally allergic to screw-up’s, mistakes, fears, and failures. As a student of life, if there is anything that I hate, it is hearing my 'professor' tell me that I am not smart enough simply because I did not get to excel in an assignment. Why should smartness be limited to the grade that one gets from an assignment? I know that getting 100%, as a grade for my paper does not guarantee 100% of my future.
Some of the people around us do not do any justice to our souls once we face failures yet failures are inevitable. I remember, in the genesis of my life, some elders in my community would tell me that I would never amount to anything and I believed it. Such messages made me more scared of my future even when the word of God would tell me that the Lord had great plans for me. I have been an employee before working for a boss that did not want anybody to question whatever he did. I cannot forget the day this particular man told me “Your comment questioning my integrity is way beyond your age and position. I think we should part ways”. I knew that the comment that I shared with him was genuine and true but I was not prepared to lose my job at that time. Too much fear dawned on me. I had to apologize or even take back my comment if I was to remain working for him. I resigned a few months later. Is it right for employers to fire their employees simply because of a minor pre-assumed weakness that can be resolved with better communication and a teachable spirit?
I hate insensitive comments with no empathy when I face failures or make mistakes but I know I grow and learn by making mistakes. I have lost privileges before simply because I did not perform to other’s expectations. I have no regrets about the privileges lost because they shaped my attitude and perspective about life. I have no entitlement in this life.
What happened to graceful responses? I think we need to be mindful of the way we communicate especially when interacting with individuals that we assume are weaker than they may even be. If individuals are going through adversities, we should encourage them to stand taller than them instead of causing them to sink deeper into those adversities. Do we still value people even with their weaknesses? On the other hand, is there anyone immune to weaknesses?
I have learned that setbacks, failures, and mistakes do not need me to turn back, or give up or quit. Well, I might have given up on a few things in my life but I call them learning experiences. I know that for me to succeed I may try so many times but my resolve is to confidently face my fears repeatedly. I sometimes wonder what I got myself into but I have to keep moving in order to increase my chances of success and happiness.
Key Lesson for you and me today: Life continues whether we lose, win or even draw. Therefore, let us stay focused even when nobody else believes in our end goal. Sometime in the near future, our grit and determination will pay off and we will make the world a better place. Have a fruitful day. #bedifferentasyoumakeadifference