Wednesday 14 August 2019

God's recycle material!

I love taking care of trash and getting it out of the house to the dumpster. I am slowly learning that some materials are recyclable while others are not. The recyclable ones go in the blue bin while the other trash goes in the black bin. I know recyclable things are re-used. Compost turns into manure that provides a fertile ground for farming.

Have you ever wondered what would happen if we looked at every human being as God's recycle material? God is in the business of making us new every day. His Grace cleanses our past. Nothing that we go through is a waste of time. Our disappointments may be God’s way of refining us for our next appointments. All our losses turn into wins in the hands of a redeemer. Our strength may fail us halfway to our destination but God is here to sail us through to the end. We are all a work in progress. We all must avail ourselves as His vessels.

God can use whomever he wants in ways that only Him can. God can use even those whom we think are weirdos. Even those that we do not like are God’s beloved. Trash can be a treasure in the hands of the greatest potter and artist ever lived. He is the only hope even when all the other hope is gone.
Friend, no matter what you are going through today, trust in Him. Others may be calling you a ‘trash’. Do not dwell on those negative utterances. Focus onto what the one with a perfect will has in store for you. Enjoy the rest of the week. #trashintotreasure #recycle #reuse #beavessel