Thursday 30 October 2014


This morning I had a personal conversation with a friend that made me wonder about whether the Life I live is about me or God. In my personal reflection, I came to find out that I have been doing things for the benefit of myself and the ones I care about. So many times have I done things with personal expectations and at the end of the day my expectations are shuttered down. 
It made me ponder on how we do things as believers. We have always asked for good things from God. Name them, Favor, promotion, increase in payment, treatment with utmost humility etcetera….  Prosperity preachers make it worse by telling us that if you don’t get your prayer request come to pass, then it’s because you have little faith (Am sorry to offend you if you believe in Prosperity Preachers). The world tells us that you can get successful if only you worked harder or changed the strategy that is not working. I do not know why I tend to believe in what the world says than what prosperity preachers say.
So many times have I been disappointed by people who call themselves staunch Christians (Am also a Christian).  I have also witnessed Christian Organizations and Churches that do exactly what the world does under the Cover and guise of Christianity. If it’s Corruption and embezzlement; they do it, they come up with good Vision and Mission statements, they Claim to be helping others yet they are amassing wealth at the Expense of the people they claim to be helping. So many times do these Christian Organizations and Preachers blame the governments for the wrong things its doing. But if you analyze them they are even worse than the Government, as they preach about the wrongs the government does and no one preaches about his organizations wrong doings. Most importantly they look like they are always right, “Glorify themselves not God”. (Please read Mathew Chapter 6) Some of the Christians seem to have mastered the whole bible and will speak out a Scripture every time. Do a thorough check of their character and the way they do their things, you may not see spirituality in them.
Am not writing this to Judge any one or any Organization but how do we show out God in all that we do (Read Romans Chapter 3). Can someone know you are a Christian by mere seeing your Conduct?? Can God be seen in our actions (Ways of Implementation), Words, thoughts (Romans 12:1-2), and attitudes and is our Conscience always clear?.  Can we act according to his will and believe he always answers our prayers according to his will? Am not saying you may not get the favor, promotion, payment on time, treatment with utmost humility and any other thing you are praying for. All that am saying is that God remains God no matter the situation you go through, no matter the disappointments and no matter your Expectations that are not met (Romans 8:28). Remember God wants the very best of you, his Promises are yes and amen and is not like a son of man to lie (Numbers 23:19, Jeremiah 29:11, Psalms 139:14).
As I come to the end of this allow me urge us to pass on what we are taught to others. (2Timothy_2:2, and the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.)
Always ask yourself this question “what would Jesus Do” and do exactly what Jesus would do. Stop being defensive in everything trying to Justify How Important you are and which Position you hold or how you were right on your utterance.…… God our ultimate Role model never told people how great he is, he took himself as a servant and Yet People respected (still respect him up to today). The life we live should always be about God and this will make our Organizations and the World a better Place.
Many Blessings.

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Life and work

Life is a lesson; learn it, Life is a journey, Walk it, Life is a tragedy, face it. Never regret meeting or working with some one no matter how sour things turned out to be. Always remember that God's plan for you is always the best. Always be thankful to God if you stop on worse things before you go to the worst. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it" 

Again in Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose'. God is not like the son of man to lie, all his plans for you will come to pass. Don't worry about who disappoints you in life, focus on God's will for your Life. You may be wounded in the Heart because of some body, but may be God wants you to Never make other people's Hearts Wounded. There is always a lesson out of what happens in your life and that's why we have Testimonies. Always trust in God who Never Changes even a single utterance of his word. He is a solid Rock and firm foundation 

Tuesday 24 June 2014

One People

We are one people with different colors, different race, different languages but living in the same world. This is irrespective of the color of our skin, our economic status, our Job positions, our Cultures, our habitation and our religions.  We are all created in the Image of God. (Genesis 1:28).  As images of God we ought to do what our ultimate Leader-God requires from us.
Am grateful to have grown up from the family of John Mushobora. As I grew up (as I still grow up) I have seen (I still see) help and support from people I never even thought I could know in life. For every one that has ever supported me morally, financially, spiritually or whichever way it may be, I must say thank you.
Every person in the world has a story and a past no matter how good or bad it may seem to be. The good news is that every day is a new day. It’s a totally clean Slate. You are not defined by last week, last month or last year. Your yesterdays weaknesses can be tomorrow’s strengths. The past should be behind you, don’t look back because you can’t change the past. You must remember that you are not a prisoner of the past but a pioneer of the future. Always look forward, trust God and accept his mercies every morning. Psalms 136:1 says Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever. That is, it is ever the same; it never changes; it is never exhausted; it is found in all his dealings - in all his acts toward his creatures, and ever will be.
Why then is there hatred and jealousy among one people? The answer is very simple; we have turned everything to be about us. There is a lot of egocentrisms and the World is full of greed. We forget that we are supposed to be God’s Stewards supposed to use what he has given us to better the world. We tend to glorify ourselves if we achieve in life with less appreciation of the people who have made us achieve. Not even remembering to thank God the source of our being.
In conclusion as one people we should treat each other as equals with utmost respect. As John C Maxwell puts it, we are all leaders. Even when you don’t have Subjects at least you lead yourself. We ought to share what we have with those who perhaps do not have and do away with our selfish desires at the expense of others. This can make us live in harmony with each other making the World a better Place.

Thursday 27 March 2014


  One day in our morning Devotion at Nemrock Software Solutions Offices our topic was Faith. Faith and the Gospel are essential for salvation. If a man wants to be saved from the wrath of God on the day of Judgment and receive the "Crown of Life", he must acquire the perfect faith and do the will of God in accordance with the Gospel of Christ.
Our Sharing was Extracted from Hebrews 11:1 this is clearly explained: Faith is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see. (NLT).
In our discussion we expounded on the topic and found out that People in Churches today Claim to have faith only when things are okay and when they are in Difficult Situations faith Erodes.. This reminded me of the Journey of the Israelis to the Promised Land. Even when God had done for them Marvelous things they still lacked faith of what God had for them when they reach Israel.
Remember without a test there is no Testimony. The scripture is God's way of preparing us in every way and Every Situation and Friends you are Encouraged to be Faithful no matter the Situation you go through. Remember the far God has brought you and be fully equipped for every good thing God wants you to do and please keep your trust in God.

Cultural Sects on the Globe

We are glad to be in a world that appreciates Cultural diversity. Unfortunately some people don’t want to associate with their Cultures especially the educated saying they are too civilized to associate with their Culture. They forget that every tree must have its roots.  This being a world with many religious sects others take themselves as too religious and consider their Cultures to be evil. As Christians I know Jesus whom we try to be like was a Jew (His Cultural belonging) and was proud of being one yet he loved the non Jews (Gentiles). We must then emulate Jesus’ Example by being proud of our cultures because they give us a sense of belonging. Let’s appreciate the African saying “Iam because we are, and since we are I think therefore am. Am a Mufumbira for example because Bafumbira (Plural) do exist.
We should also exercise love of other cultures without discrimination on the basis of Originality, language spoken or social Class. The cultural diversity helps us to learn from one another and have a harmonious living. That’s how the aspect of inculturization comes into play.
Food for Thought.
What happens to a football team when members constantly play out of Position? 1st morale erodes because the team is not playing up to its capability. I liken cultural groupings in the globe as different teams of which players are members of that particular Cultural sect. Therefore let’s stand up and be strong in oneness first as members from a particular Cultural sect and as an entire Globe Community.

As Rick Warren says in his book Purpose driven life that “you are not an Accident”, indeed being born where you are born from and of a culture you belong to; is not an accident. So why don’t we be proud of our Cultures and yet appreciate the being of other Cultures.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Trip to Kenya

With Jan-Maarten Plomp in Kenya
Early March 2014, I got an opportunity to travel to Kenya. My friend,Mentor and sponsor from the Netherlands whom I had longed to meet was coming around and he arranged our meeting.He came along with a group and I was privileged to be part of the group. Great appreciation to Jan-Maarten Plomp and his family for the Love, care and support towards me. Am also thankful for the entire Dutch group that allowed me to be part of the group for close to a week. What an awesome experience, by the time I parted from the group I had learnt some Dutch. Dank u wel.  It was a wonderful experience in Kenya getting to see Jan-Maarten Plomp and the entire Dutch Group face to face. The moves we had together in Kenya were full of fun and excitement. I will always remember such an experience

Monday 17 March 2014

Welcome Message

Its  a privilege to welcome you to my Blog. In here I share my life with the rest