Sunday 20 March 2016

Travel and Adventure

On the 02/22/2016 I set off for the most adventure of my life -the journey to Obama land. I got to Entebbe International Airport three hours before the departure time because I did not want to risk being left by the plane. We had just finished an election in Uganda that was rather a waste of time and resources and so I had so many reasons to get to Entebbe earlier. Even after checking in; the village in my head had not yet comprehended that my dream of going to the USA was a ...reality. For my countrymen you know how hard it is to get an American Visa. I must confess it was pretty easy for me to get a visa for only one reason; the favor of God. I saw the hand of God throughout the entire visa application process. Even when I still had doubt, the voice of truth would ringer in my mind and tell me, Gilbert you are going to USA at this particular time. Oh how I love to hear the Voice of God. So when does one know that his decision to move to particular place or task is not about him but the kingdom of God? The answer is very simple; it’s when your heart is at peace with your actions. It does not matter what people around you (Name them; Employers, peers….List is endless) say or think about after your move. What matters is what God says and thinks about you according to his plan and will.
At exactly 7:15pm the plane departed from Entebbe to Ethiopia. We had a small stop over and again set off for a long flight that would take 16 hours. We landed at Washington DC and got a connecting flight that would take 4 hours. We set off at 12:00 pm and we were to land at 14:00 hours. Now I was having a closer look to my clock all the way long. So it reached 14:00 hours and the plane was not landing. I thought; the pilot had forgotten to land!!!!. Little did I know that USA has different time zones. We still had more two hours to finally get to Denver/Colorado my final destination. Thankfully, we had safe travels.
Tuesday this week, I will be making a week here and I must confess; I have so far had an incredibly good time. To my family here, friends and coworkers; thank you for making my transition smooth. I say Ebenezer, that’s far the Lord has brought me
In the coming days I will be sharing my experiences with you and am sure you will be encouraged to believe God for better things with in you or through you.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

First Sermon in USA at the Rocky Mountain Calvary.

On 28th/ March 2016 I joined my host family in going to a church called the Rocky Mountain Calvary. Oh how I enjoyed the praise and worship. Am planning to have it as my local church during my stay here. When it came to sharing the word, I got encouraged and I do not want to keep the encouragement to myself. The sharing was from 2 Corinthians 4. Allow me share the insights I noted down.
You do not need to lose heart; you’ve got to stay strong. We are in a world filled by real people facing real challenges and living life.
You have to get the passion in your heart as Paul did. He was encouraged by the ministry. Serving Jesus is a blessed privilege. Ministry just means to serve. It may be at your Job or at home; basically in everything you do. We have to keep serving others, raising generations
The text goes ahead to say that we received mercy. Simply put we received what we did not deserve. We deserved death. You may be in something that God wants you out. Just know Jesus is calling you to repent or get out of it.
You have to change the way you see your ministry. Think about it in terms of what you love and cherish. It’s your perspective that will make you persevere and not to give up. The ministry is going to be hard and if you do not have the right perspective it will be harder. If it’s a marriage that’s not working out; Divorce is not a solution. Jesus will bring to pass whatever you are going through. He is faithful to bring it to accomplishment. Just trust him!!!!. God is always faithful to provide. Wherever you are in life he will bring it to pass. God equips the called. Because of the mercies of God we do not quit.
You have to be ready to be hurt like you have never been before. Follow what God has called you to do no matter what the confusing voices of those around you. With divine calling comes divine enablement. You’ve got to keep your trust in God alone (Psalm 37:5). You have to have a sense that you belong to God and that you can go anywhere for him. You must wait for God's call and step out in faith. God sees us through the lens of Grace. Jesus is the end of righteousness to all who believe.
Do not be taken advantage of by those who use the bible deceitfully. Learn how to hear from God in his word the Bible. Always contextualize his word; if it’s a verse, read what is before it and what is after it. You will know why it was written the way it was written. We also have to make sure that we have the right meanings of the words in the bible. We should not change them to suite our own desires. We’ve got to be mindful of the grammar in the scriptures and be keen to read it according the historic background. We have to take the bible as a whole as the bible never contradicts itself.
Remember we are seeing Jesus face to face someday. He is either coming or we are going. The inward man should be renewed every day. God brings the church together and sends them out in the cities, homes and Communities to serve him. Just know you have to serve God every day in whatever you do. May the Lord strengthen you in his service. Blessings.