Sunday 20 March 2016

Travel and Adventure

On the 02/22/2016 I set off for the most adventure of my life -the journey to Obama land. I got to Entebbe International Airport three hours before the departure time because I did not want to risk being left by the plane. We had just finished an election in Uganda that was rather a waste of time and resources and so I had so many reasons to get to Entebbe earlier. Even after checking in; the village in my head had not yet comprehended that my dream of going to the USA was a ...reality. For my countrymen you know how hard it is to get an American Visa. I must confess it was pretty easy for me to get a visa for only one reason; the favor of God. I saw the hand of God throughout the entire visa application process. Even when I still had doubt, the voice of truth would ringer in my mind and tell me, Gilbert you are going to USA at this particular time. Oh how I love to hear the Voice of God. So when does one know that his decision to move to particular place or task is not about him but the kingdom of God? The answer is very simple; it’s when your heart is at peace with your actions. It does not matter what people around you (Name them; Employers, peers….List is endless) say or think about after your move. What matters is what God says and thinks about you according to his plan and will.
At exactly 7:15pm the plane departed from Entebbe to Ethiopia. We had a small stop over and again set off for a long flight that would take 16 hours. We landed at Washington DC and got a connecting flight that would take 4 hours. We set off at 12:00 pm and we were to land at 14:00 hours. Now I was having a closer look to my clock all the way long. So it reached 14:00 hours and the plane was not landing. I thought; the pilot had forgotten to land!!!!. Little did I know that USA has different time zones. We still had more two hours to finally get to Denver/Colorado my final destination. Thankfully, we had safe travels.
Tuesday this week, I will be making a week here and I must confess; I have so far had an incredibly good time. To my family here, friends and coworkers; thank you for making my transition smooth. I say Ebenezer, that’s far the Lord has brought me
In the coming days I will be sharing my experiences with you and am sure you will be encouraged to believe God for better things with in you or through you.

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