Wednesday 2 November 2016

My Journey to the USA started as just a dream.

If you have ever had a dream put your hand up.
Let’s ponder on the meaning of the American Dream……

The year was 2002 when I traveled to the USA for my first time. I neither had a passport nor a visa. It was the shortest distance that I have ever moved. The speed on which we traveled was so fast that even the speed of light would be considered slower. No one can fathom it. No fastest thing can comprehend the speed on which we moved. It was the cheapest flight that I have ever taken in my life. It costed 0 cents only. I can’t remember the flying machine that I used. May be it was an airbus! 

I was fascinated by how experienced the pilot was. All the crew members were so smart (I mean smart upstairs in addition to being smartly dressed). I do not know how they could even tell of where we were because the sky looked the same wherever we were!!! I was still an infant to travel overseas alone (without my parents).

 It was only just a dream!!! (Sung Nelly). When I awoke from my dreams, I hoped that the dream would come to a reality someday. I did not know about the American dream then but the more I recalled my dream the more I would get thoughts of being in America. In 2012, I got a Ugandan passport; a travel document that would officially allow me get to my dream land (America).
In 2015, I got the opportunity to travel to America in the palm of my hands. You know what? I love doing what I can and can’t what I can’t. I tried my level best and excelled in all the interviews that I had to be involved in. As fate would have it I got the American visa and came here in February 2016.
I do not know what you believe in; Luck or karma. One thing that I know is that there is a God who turns dreams into realities. The one who knew you and me before we were in our mother’s womb. The one who knows the end from the beginning.

Dreaming has been and still is one of my greatest gifts. I have had night dreams and some times day dreams. Why are dreams always beautiful? The reality can also be beautiful only if our dreams are bigger than our fears. We should live our dreams other than dreaming our lives. Our faith ought to be stronger than our feelings. If we follow our dreams with grit, we will achieve whatever we focus our mind too.

Keep your hopes alive, stay better not bitter, keep dreaming and your dreams will turn into realities. Never let go of your dreams and as C.S Lewis put it,” you are never too old to set another goal or to dream another dream”. Let your heart make a wish today and follow the dreams as they know the way.

The power of a minute

On 13th October, I set off to visit my mum and friends in Michigan. I was to spend the rest of my time with them up to 17th and then fly back to the springs. I must confess, I had an incredible moment with them.  Each day was filled with its own adventures and excitements. From the Hot Tub, to working out, visiting the sand dunes and walking around one of the great lakes (Lake Michigan). Most importantly, having conversations with people.

On the 17th, my friend Tyler got me to the airport so early. I had checked in on my phone, went through security and had to wait at the departure gate. The plane in which I was to fly in delayed and that changed everything about my schedule. I hoped I would be able to get hold of my connection flight in Texas but I could not. No sooner had we landed than my connection flight departed Texas.  It took only about 10 Minutes to miss my flight. It was sad to see my name on the screens showing those who missed their connection flights. It was late in the night and I had to spend a night in a hotel. Thankfully they put me onto the next flight that would leave at 6:57am.

As we flew in the morning, I began meditating on the power of a minute.  I realized that every minute is important. Friends you do not need a PHD to make an impact. Use the small increment of your time wisely. Remember, time is priceless, use every second to make a difference, impact, purpose or set a new goal. Commit your time to doing God’s will wherever your influence is. You do not need good looks or any special level of intelligence. We all get similar number of hours every day (24 hours). You can wreck or redeem a life in a few seconds. 5 Minutes are enough to show your character. When we missed a connection flight, you could not believe the bad words that were coming from the smartly dressed people including old people that commanded much respect. I do not use such words and so I can’t write them in this post.

Time is the most significant gift given to us; make significant choices. We have to use it carefully and intentionally ((Ephesians 5:15). If you are to serve, do it diligently.
Each minute is made up of seconds. Several minutes then make up an hour, which make days, months and years. Effective use of any minute is thus so important in any en-devour. I think when they say time waits for no man, it literally means “Use that minute effectively".  As you know time has no best ally and waits for no man. Will you focus for the moment and make good use of it? Blessings