Friday 2 March 2018

What is your plan?

 This week, I have been reflecting on a few highlights of what is happening in Uganda and the USA. Security is of a big concern in both countries where kidnapping and shooting of people have been (Still are) talking points. What happened to strategic planning and thinking? Why does it look like systems are failing? Why is it easy to brush off the president’s messages and the messages of those in authority? What do the government and the police plan to do to prevent such from happening again? Is there anybody who can bring a lasting plan? Like many of you, I must say that I am not happy with the status quo in our countries and the world at large. All things and plans, no matter how good they are or sound, seem to be slowly dying.
 It is good to have a zeal for changing things, of wanting to make the world a better place but can the problems in the world end? It is hard to comprehend that indeed all-human knowledge and plans end. If all is ending, then what should be our ultimate plan? To answer the question one can say, “There is no plan except God’s plan. Jesus came to provide an answer to the problems of sin and death.  We could not solve them by ourselves. Instead of relying on our leaders to solve our current problems, can we turn our focus to Jesus the ultimate solution? Jesus overcame it all and helps us trump over the problems of sin and death.

The only thing that we possess right now is our soul. We should know that our soul will spend eternity somewhere. The main question that should throb into our minds should be about what the outcome of our personal lives is, or will be. Ezekiel 33:1-6 stipulates that leaders are stewards of God’s resources. In verse 4, Ezekiel says”Then whoever hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, if the sword comes and takes him away, his blood shall be on his own head”. How many warnings do we still need? We ought to think about how our lives will end. God’s plan is to have us live for him eternally. Ours is to grow in our walk with him, live eternal lives and focus on spending eternity with him.  My prayer is that whoever does not know God shall come to know of his ultimate plan and have his conduct transformed.

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