Monday 7 May 2018

Whom do you serve or glorify?

In a society that is result driven and performance oriented, it is easy to think that ministry is all about numbers. Some organizations today would rather have many branches opened than actually changing anybody, one person at a time. Should ministry be all about numbers? Why is it easy to pride in one’s achievements without acknowledging God- the giver of it all?

No matter where we are placed, we have that inbuilt selfishness attitude. There is a tendency of looking at ourselves as better than those around us. Since when did ministry become a competition? Why should greed and selfishness drive what we do every day? If we are serving one master, should we compete with each other in the search for prominence or favors? I believe that the Lord created each one of us for a purpose. Our aim should be to serve diligently as we follow our calling. It does not matter how much yield we make but it matters if we make a yield. Our yield is still valuable in God’s Kingdom no matter how insignificant it may seem to be especially in comparison with other people’s yields.

Today I am reflecting on Paul’s words, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). It is my prayer that whatever I do will be to Glorify God. I calm down all the moments when my selfishness wants to take the show. May my life manifest the Lord’s presence. Oh, how I want his living image on my face. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen

#WhateveryoudodoitforthegloryofGod #Always

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