Sunday 12 June 2016

Living a focussed life

Everyday Life presents opportunities for learning. That’s why a popular saying goes, “life is a lesson; learn it”.  When I was young I wished I would get an opportunity to get into an aero plane.  
As I get used to the use of air transport I have gotten to learn how different it is from other forms of transport. When it comes to observing time, everyone has to keep time. Air transport does not have “African time” where if you are 20 or 30 minutes late you will still be on time.
I’m always fascinated by the consistency of the signs and symbols on the airports. You have to follow the right direction to get to your boarding gate or to your required exit gate. Simply put, you have to be focused! You can hardly go wrong if you follow the arrow signs that point to your intended gate.

So why am I sharing this?
Friends I may not know what you are going through but would like to encourage you to stay focused. It does not matter how many mistakes you have made in life, it matters if you get back on the right path just like the case for following arrow signs at the airports. It does not matter how you have meandered along the way. What matters is getting to your required destination on time.
Apostle Paul said in wisely in Philippians 3:13 “Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead” May be its time for you to forget what is behind you. It may include limitations and hindrances that prevent you from moving forward (Discern what is hindering you).It’s time that you narrowed down your priorities. What is your pursuit and are you determined to get it.  Paul forgot the past and pursued the prize for his call.

Focus may be defined as letting go of nice things that do not matter to pursue what you think matters. Leaders who change the world have this sharp focus!Let’s ponder on men of the bible like Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Paul and Jesus; they all focused on what they dimmed necessary. To get back on the right track of focus we have to work on our selves, work on our priorities basing on our strength and learn how to work with our colleagues. May you start this week with a focused mind. Blessings.

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