Thursday 23 June 2016

My first dog pet friend -Puppy.

My friend Puppy

My first dog pet friend -Puppy.
I had never had too much love for having dogs or cats for a pet till when I came to America.
My favorite pets were domestic animals like goats and sheep.  Even though I like them, I had never seen some body give them too much care.  I cared about taking them to graze, making pegs for them and their pen wasn’t fancy simply because I did not stay in a fancy housing either.
The first time I landed in America a land where many say the dream land; I could not fathom how people have close attachments with their pets. For the first days I could hear statements like, she is a cute little girl, she is simply awesome, he is the best walking companion, he is fun to hang around with and I would be like wait a minute, whom are you talking about?. I would surely love to meet him or her. Whenever I would be told that, my dog pet or Cat Pet, I would quickly rush to say, “Okay, that’s cool though I thought you were referring to a human being”.  I would wonder how a cat or dog would be that nice!
I wanted to experience the niceness myself though it seems I was not ready for it. All the pets here have names and the pets are so disciplined. So I had to ask my host family to tell me the name for their dog pet. Oh; the little cute “puppy” they said. I was like what a cool name.
Puppy welcomed me in the Phillips family. For the first days I could not understand her ways of communication opening a learning room for better communication skills. Puppy makes my moods zoom sky-high with her loving and waiting BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK. Her barking in the first days would scare me but my host family explained to me how it was her sign to welcome me back home and an expression of how happy she was to see me.

I’m in love with Puppy’s nonverbal communication and vocalizations and I do enjoy doing games with her especially the fetch game.  Even though the big sized pets scare me by their size; I now accept that pets are great members of any family. Great appreciation to my host family (puppy inclusive), for shaping my view on pets.

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