Thursday 7 July 2016

The Power of a Positive Attitude

I have discovered that so much of my life is my attitude. With the areas where I have had a positive attitude, I have achieved immensely. I have found it easy to change my ideas and behaviors and learned to be responsible.

Wherever I have not succeeded as expected; it has simply been because of my negative attitude. Negative thoughts like, it’s not meant for me, am not good enough for that. I often times have had excuses of why things do not work or even blamed others or my background for my Mistakes.

The determinant factor for a good or bad day in my life has been my attitude. For each of the days I wake up with a good attitude, I have a happy and successful day no matter what hurdle that day may bring.

With a positive attitude, I easily cope with the daily affairs of life. It makes me happier, and brightens my day. I always expect the best to happen. It’s certainly a state of mind that everybody should develop.

Action for you Today:  Ask yourself these Questions; Am I doing my best today? Am I Optimistic? Do I see the positive side of the life I go through? Will you change your mindset and heart today? Read Philippians 4:8 and Romans 8:28

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