Tuesday 19 July 2016

Different stories one Message

Every human being has a story and can tell it better than anybody else. Truth be told, there is no saint without a past. Our backgrounds, our struggles and our achievements are ingredients of our stories. (For good cooks, you can choose to call them a “recipe” for our lives). The good news is that we are all God’s workmanship irrespective of our indifferences, strength, weaknesses, inadequacies and “accent”.

Each one of us has a value stream and a dent to fill in the world. Is there need for competing with one another? Certainly not but rather a need for complimenting each other. Is there a need for self-righteousness? Certainly not but rather a need to have each one of us to be more like Jesus. Is there a need of taking ourselves as of a high value than others? Certainly not; but rather a need for humility (Philippians 2:5-6).

As people created in the Image of God we have to respect fellow “images” irrespective of the different classifications of the world (Name them; Economic status, cultural differences, level of education..etc). We ought to have the common denominators of Love, Care, Compassion, and Kindness or simply put the fruit of the spirit as in Galatians 5:22-23.

It’s my prayer that each one of us uses his/her story for the Glorification of God not for personal drives or egos.

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