Wednesday 15 February 2017

The Flaws with in our leaders is a human flaw

Yesterday was Trump’s Inauguration ceremony and according to him the four years of his presidency are going to be a historical moment (Every moment can be historical; good or bad).  In his inauguration speech he sounded to be the only outstanding leader America has been waiting for. He seems to be the only one with a clear course of action for the government. He somehow made it sound like the past 44 presidents of the USA have not done much for such a beloved nation. Was he true about himself? May be yes or may be no. Moreover there have been strikes here and there to oppose his presidency. If he was as good as he claims to be, may be people would not be having mixed feelings. 
A thorough analysis of all the governments of the world clearly shows that not even one of them comprises of the best leadership. Each of the leaders takes themselves to be the very best even when they have those who do not approve what they say. Truth be told, there is no perfect leader on this planet. Humans are imperfect by nature and that’s why each of us has weaknesses. The fact is that, there is not a righteous man on earth who continually does well and who never sins. Not even the best “Christians”!!!.
 If we are our selves are not perfect why then do we expect our leaders to be perfect yet they have the same human nature? Job answered it clearly in Job 9:20 "Though I am righteous, my mouth will condemn me; though I am guiltless, He will declare me guilty”. James went ahead to remind us that we all stumble as in James 3:2For we all stumble in many ways If anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to bridle the whole body as well”.
The good news is that there is one perfect man who ever lived, who lives and who lives forever. His name is Jesus and his main concern is to make us perfect like him. May be instead of blaming our leaders and counting ourselves better than them we should start praying for them. We should keep stepping in Jesus’ footsteps if we are to be perfect. If we are to attain the crown he has for us. We should wake up, and strengthen our faith as we find our deeds successful according to the sight of God. We have to yield to his leading and let his will be done.

The truth is that God can use even the imperfect leaders for his Glory. May be according to you Trump is not qualified to be the president of USA. Can you trust God to use him? Our human flaws can be used by God. He is the only savior that the world needs. He has the answers to all our questions and we can have a peace of mind in him alone. 

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