Wednesday 28 June 2017

Being “You”

Have you had moments in your life when you wished you were someone else? Or wished you were born from a particular family/country or wished you had pursued a different career? Or basically found yourself drifting into wishful thoughts? 

If your answer to all these questions is a yes I would like to encourage you to develop pride and confidence in whom you are. I do not know what you believe in; Good Luck or Karma but I know there is a creator who designed you the way you are. He knew you before you were created in your mothers’ womb, watches over you and in his perfect plan, sees you through whatever life brings your way. You are the only “you “that God created. So unique and special in your own way. You may not be like your brother or neighbor but you can be “you”. 

The only person you should be in competition with should be yourself. You can determine to be the best “you” that ever lived. I love the fact that God created us in his own Image. Since we bare his own image, we can endeavor to be like him. Stop doing things because others are doing them but rather do them because you think that’s what God wants you to do. If you have the best Architect of your future (God) with you, you will never go wrong. 

We can overcome this technologically advanced, secularized and fast paced society if we remain faithful to the Biblical foundations. We have to silence the noise from our environments and get a peace of mind that the Lord gives. ''Be you''

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