Friday 30 November 2018

How can you and I be agents of Love in a world full of hate?

We live in a world that sometimes looks like having much hate than love. There is hate in our families, organizations, communities and individual nations. Yesterday I read an article shared by a local radio station from my hometown in Uganda that talked of how a 15-year-old boy killed his 17-year-old brother because of a simple misunderstanding. I do not think this 15-year-old boy intended to kill his brother; he just could not control his anger. How many times do you and I act out of anger? For people in authority, one act of anger can be a big toll to handle. You see, anger can make you do something that you might live to regret the rest of your life if Jesus does not help you to be over it. This 15-year old is still on the run. The police and family members are still searching for him. Meanwhile, the burial of his 17-year old brother was yesterday.
The media tends to fill our minds with hateful information all over the world. People end up living lives that are different from whom they truly are for fear of dislike from those around them. Selfishness and egocentrism seem to be the engine that drives the world today. Many people have written about leadership and every leader can point on who a bad leader is. Not even the world’s best toxic leaders think they are toxic. They still think of themselves as the greatest leaders. So often, we do not create time to reflect on our leadership. Do we ever realize that we may not be walking our talk? As an immigrant on the American soil, I feel like the immigration policies can be better. I do not think that separating children from their parents in a bid of making America great again is a good idea. Do not get me wrong, it is okay to apprehend illegal people. Certainly, not all immigrants are bad. I assume, some can be good people and can have a contribution to make towards making America great again. I bet I could be wrong on this since I am not an immigration expert!
Competition does not do any justice to Love either. What ought to be a common purpose becomes a point of driving tense relationships. Should people that are in the same business of fighting a similar social issue like hunger have time to blame each other for what the other is doing wrong? Why should one’s advert be all about the wrong things that the other company does with a justification that their company is the only legit one in the field? Why don’t we conduct benchmarks or our individual and organization’s performance? I think that an advert just for your unique products and services with value propositions well stipulated serves the purpose. My marketing experience tells me that one can still make a sale without tarnishing the name of his/her competitors. It pains my heart when I see fundraising appeals from organizations claiming to do God’s work painting the name of similar organizations dark.
You and I may not have the capacity of preventing others to commit acts of hate but we can love in a way that makes love outweigh hate. The different factions in which we were born should not be a divisive factor. It should instead be a reason to celebrate diversity. Somehow, someway, we should not let hate continue to drive away the love that we share as humans.

Here are four ways of being agents of love in a world full of hate.
1. Value the opinions of others and respect them as individuals. Maybe you think you are right all the time and do not like it when people tell you that you go wrong sometimes. Maybe you need to be a little more empathetic in your code of conduct.
2. Be generous by sharing what you have. You and I might be having different beliefs but what is common to us is that we all have what to share. I am a firm believer in sharing the little that I have right here, right now. You and I can be intentional at giving back to the world irrespective of whether we believe in God or good luck or karma.
3. As the need arises, compliment others. Good should be good no matter the person who does it. We can all begin from the point of appreciating the contributions that others’ make before discrediting their intentions.
4. Aim at the big picture. If you and I are in the business of feeding people, we should realize that any child fed is a reduction on the 10 billion children that are dying of hunger in the world today.

At least every key player in the world wants to make the world a better place. Does making the world a better place necessitate us to build our own kingdoms at the expense of destroying other people’s kingdoms? As humanity, making the world a better place should be what makes you and I out of bed every day. Making self-centered decisions can lead to poor implementation strategies if our decisions are not checked. I love to think that I am not in the business of building my own kingdom but in the business of building God’s kingdom. Therefore, friends, be different as you make a difference today. Have a blessed day. #love #fruitsofthespirit

Wednesday 31 October 2018

Collecting firewood as a home chore!

One of the domestic chores that I had to do, as a young boy growing up from deep in the village in South Western Uganda was to collect firewood. I had to look at every dead branch of a tree with a keen eye. Firewood was, and still is a great resource in my community. During those days, I considered a dead tree as a big catch. Using firewood was the only way of cooking that I knew how to use. I did not even know that gas cookers existed. If you told me that you cooked on a gas stove or oven, I would not help it. I would have called you a liar. How could I fathom that one can cook using electricity yet we did not have electricity in our house? The closest I ever came to a modern way of cooking was by use of a charcoal stove. My Elder brother Edward made donuts and bread using a charcoal stove. My brother used a charcoal stove for business purposes only. This was because; we would have to buy charcoal. As for firewood, all that we needed to do was to walk in the hunt for dead trees and dead branches. If they were dead and dry, that was a lucky day. If they fell down before drying up, we would still take them home and give them an opportunity to dry. My brother Edward allowed me to be his salesperson for the bread and donuts whenever I had some free time. I loved it. I can credit the little sales knowledge that I have today to my brother who gave me a firm foundation. My brother also taught me how to do local baking. Perhaps, I need to start baking with an oven since I am staying in a house with an oven for this season.

As I write this post, I cannot stop thinking about the amount of firewood put to waste here in America. In fact, I picked a few dead branches this morning. For some reason, every time I walk by a dead branch of a tree, I am tempted to pick it up for firewood. Then a little voice whispers to me, reminding me that I am not staying in a village. Maybe I should start thinking of ways of channeling this firewood to places that could use it. I know a friend who could let me pick the firewood in their yard, free of charge. I perhaps need to look into transport logistics and export/import tariffs. So many schools including my very own Love Restoration School and many families could use the firewood that is redundant here. Besides, I have some experience in selling firewood from my high school vacation. So how best can we utilize the firewood around us? Perhaps, you can help my creative juice to flow farther. #Memories #business #thinkingalound #villagelife #townlife

Tuesday 2 October 2018

Bring out your salt and Light!

The Bible calls us to be the salt and light of the world (Mathew 5:13-16). How can we be the salt to the world that is void of a good taste? How are we supposed to be the light in a place that seems to have so many dark spots? I will explain how in the proceeding paragraphs.

As the light, whoever see us should see how bright we are. Do we need to tell others, that hey I am ‘light’? I guess not. As far as I know, a little spark of light brightens an entire room. When a room gets bright, even the darkest spots get to be visible. Light never tells darkness that now that I have come you should flee. Simply put, light can not be hidden. If we were to be the light of the world, our titles would not mean anything much. All that would matter would be shining for Christ. I do not care about the title that you hold, Bishop or Apostle or Evangelist or simply Christian, I care if your light shines in all that you say or do.

Salt never boosts of being in the food.  Its taste is subject to the tester of food. We can boost speaking God’s word but if we utter it in a way that contradicts his loving kindness and mercy, we need to check ourselves.  I do not know how spiritual you may be or how much theological knowledge you claim to have. It is sad if you hold your opinions as gospel truth and demonize those with divergent opinions. The only truth that will always be is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If we eloquently preach other gospels, we need to divert our energy back to the right paths.

As Christians, I think that instead of condemning the sinner, we should be condemning sin. We should treat the sinners with Love and Grace. We ought to pray for the lost so that they may hear the word, know the Lord and accept him as their savior. Our conduct ought to show those in the darkness that they can enter into the bright light of the Lord. Our lives ought to be a testimony of the Lord’s goodness in our lives. As we enter this day, I pray that the Holy Spirit helps us to discern what he wants us to hear from all the information that we will see and share. It is my prayer that we get to be able to differentiate God’s Spirit from the enemy’s spirit? In Jesus’ name, I pray. Will you shine for Jesus today?

Wednesday 19 September 2018

Turn your fear into faith

Have you ever wondered why it is easy to live in fear? Employees live in fear of their bosses especially if they threaten to fire them anytime. Some bosses may want their superiors to comply with their instructions even when they may be logically incorrect. When intimidation and threats become tools of ‘effective’ leadership, fear takes a firm grip. For organizations especially nonprofits, it is easy to feel threatened by the donors’ inclinations to not give. Fear makes one feel like there is nothing left of his/her inner resources. Have you had moments when you seem not to have the physical and emotional strength to move on? That may be an indication of fear.
I would like to let you know that the greatest discovery that you and I can make is to realize that our strength is not enough. It does not matter the milestones you claim to have achieved. Even bush war heroes can fail to STOP those whom they call ‘pigs/hooligans’ as the case may be in Uganda. 'The Hooligans have so far assassinated over ten influential people which have left the country visibly shaken. The Political tension in the country has caused many Ugandans to worry and fear especially as they think of transitions. We need to see our weakness of fear and worry as an opportunity to tap into the assurance of God’s presence.
My question is who is safe from fear? The Bible answers this question in a more profound way than any human being can. 1 Corinthians 16:13, for example, says “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong”. One can only get rid of fear if he/she stands firm in faith. How I love this, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love” (1 John 4:18). Does this mean that our genuine love can only be possible if we do not live in fear? In whom should we put our trust then? The Bible asks us to “Put not your trust in rulers, nor in any child of earth, for there is no help in them” (Psalm 146:2). Earthly leaders can only do so much but God never fails.
Friends, would you write down all your worries and fears today and surrender them to God. I do not know what you may be going through today but God knows. Take to the Lord in Prayer #fear #faith #hope #Love #Iamnolongerastravetofear #IamachildofGod.

Friday 3 August 2018

The room that you and I need!!

I have come to know of a room that I think everybody alive needs. This room is not concerned about one’s net worth. This room fits everyone’s budget. This room does not care about how long you have been doing what you claim to know or be doing the best way known to you. To this room, the level of experience that one claims to have does not count. Even people with the worst resumes need it.  It does not take into account the number of people who report to you or how many people you manage. With this room, not even the very learned with Ph.D.'s can claim mastery of it. This room still holds even when you make a great contribution to this world. This room is universal to everyone, young or old, rich or poor. This room does not pay attention to your origin or color of your skin. To this room, your religious affiliation is not a big deal. It works for all people irrespective of their position of authority. This room is the biggest room available for all people irrespective of their lifestyles. You do not need to have any rewards to get this room. This room is the room for improvement. Friends, I do not care who you are, where you are from or what you do, but I care if you have this wonderful room. Would you spare some time to nurture this room today? It can be in your relationships or work. You need this room in your daily life either at work or at home.
Just like a hotel room, here are four hacks about your room of improvement:
1.     It is an opportunity to make every day a memorable adventure. Each day is an opportunity to learn from our mistakes and improve on our strengths.
2.     It needs appropriate safety measures. Make it your priority and do safety checks before you conduct yourself in a particular way. Developing a teachable spirit and being empathetic may be good safety measures.  Set your room up for the safety of yourself and those that need to benefit from your learning.
3.     It needs you to inspect all the neglected areas and corners of your life. Some of those neglected areas may be your perception of self or others. If you are the kind of person that thinks is always right and the rest of the world is wrong, check yourself. Make sure that everything is tip-top before you get comfortable in your room.
4.     It requires you to check those annoying guests. Those people who always think less of you should not be in any of your worries. Learn from their utterances but do not dwell on them.  
May the Lord’s will be done as you enter into this room of daily improvement. Be different as you make a difference.

Friday 1 June 2018

Do not make assumptions

Why is it easy to assume that you know someone yet you actually do not? Every day presents to us a gift of 24 hours for us to understand the people and situations around us. In most cases, we blow our 24 hours up. We find ourselves trapped in our own imaginations and the one-sided way (Self-centered way) of seeing things.
We find ourselves doing similar things repeatedly and expect different results yet we do not want to challenge our imaginations. Believe me; nothing will change unless your assumptions have circumstantial evidence. We have let our wrong assumptions guide our actions. We end up being toxic to ourselves and inflicting those around us. There are comments I have heard people say about me that really show that these people do not know me. Maybe I should request them to spend more time with me for them to have a better perception of me. Today’s technologically advanced and fast-paced world gives us great opportunities to understand each other. When you see a situation or perceive another person out of bias and selfishness, you will always go wrong on your assumptions. We should always find a way to prove our data. If it means investing time and resources into research, we should better do that than make wrong assumptions that often lead to wrong decisions. 
James gives us a caution on how to avoid being polluted by the world. The Bible tells us that “Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless. A religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world”(James 1:26-27). Friends, what will your tongue say today?
Before you concoct your assumptions, can you please dig deeper. It helps when one makes evidence-based decisions other than using self-inflicted evidence to jot a course of action.
Here are six action items for you and me to reflect on today:
1.       Ask questions before making un-informed decisions
2.      Discern people’s perceptions
3.      Test your assumptions without a selfish bias
4.      Admit that your perception of things and situations can be wrong at times
5.      Develop a zeal to change perception once your assumptions get challenged

6.     Maybe it is time for you and me to put on new ‘Perception Lenses’. Pay attention to such promptings.

Monday 7 May 2018

Maybe you and I should stop taking things for granted.

On April 28th, 2018,  I got the pleasure of visiting San Diego Zoo in California. It was a great way to spend a portion of my day walking around the zoo. The nature and the many species of animals in this habitat caught my eye. When I got to the Gorillas section, my heart skipped a bit to my homeland Kisoro Uganda. I remembered that my town is a home to many Mountain Gorillas. I still cannot believe that I have never gone to Mghinga National park in my town to check on my neighbors (Mountain Gorillas). Why is it easy to think of the beauty that is at a distance? I grew up in this beautiful place with wonderful features but I never paid a close look at them. I saw them but I guess they did not mean anything much to me yet many tourists from all over the world travel to come see them. Calderas like Sagitwe surround my place.  I wonder why it took me all this long to know that I had to visit them, hike around them or even take pictures. Do you think of traveling so far away as the only way to appreciate beauty? If you your answer to this question is a yes then you and I are in the same boat. 
Here are three things we need to do to stop taking things for granted,
1.      Pay a closer look at where we are. God has placed us where we are and each of the places we get to be in has a beauty to embrace. We just need to notice it.
2.      Explore our surroundings: You do not need to wait for that air ticket to travel to a distant place. Appreciate what is around you and enjoy each moment of being around them. If that opportunity to go to a distant place comes, it will be an added advantage.
3.      Be content: Do you have a place to visit on your wish list? If yes, that is perfect. You, however, need to be content where you are until that time comes for you to visit your dream place. 
My eyes are now open to seeing the beauty in Kisoro Uganda. I cannot wait going back home to explore the beauty that I have taken for granted for over twenty years.  Uganda is gifted with flora and fauna. I am looking forward to exploring my motherland than ever before. I am looking forward to exploring the world around me than ever before. Blessings as you enjoy the beauty around you.

Whom do you serve or glorify?

In a society that is result driven and performance oriented, it is easy to think that ministry is all about numbers. Some organizations today would rather have many branches opened than actually changing anybody, one person at a time. Should ministry be all about numbers? Why is it easy to pride in one’s achievements without acknowledging God- the giver of it all?

No matter where we are placed, we have that inbuilt selfishness attitude. There is a tendency of looking at ourselves as better than those around us. Since when did ministry become a competition? Why should greed and selfishness drive what we do every day? If we are serving one master, should we compete with each other in the search for prominence or favors? I believe that the Lord created each one of us for a purpose. Our aim should be to serve diligently as we follow our calling. It does not matter how much yield we make but it matters if we make a yield. Our yield is still valuable in God’s Kingdom no matter how insignificant it may seem to be especially in comparison with other people’s yields.

Today I am reflecting on Paul’s words, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). It is my prayer that whatever I do will be to Glorify God. I calm down all the moments when my selfishness wants to take the show. May my life manifest the Lord’s presence. Oh, how I want his living image on my face. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen

#WhateveryoudodoitforthegloryofGod #Always

Thursday 22 March 2018

Three Truths from the Faith of the Centurion (Mathew 8:5-13)

Early this week, a friend shared the centurion’s story in a morning devotion. I must confess that I have read and heard this story several times. However, reflecting on it this week has brought to mind three truths that I wanted to share with you.
1.      Understand authority: It takes great humility for a great leader like the centurion to admit that he does not have it all. He commanded soldiers under his charge but also knew that Jesus would command diseases. Instead of figuring out how to heal diseases, he approached the one who had the specialty in doing that.  Asking Jesus to heal his servant signifies that the Centurion understood who had the ultimate authority. He accepted that his own authority had limitations. No matter how easy it can be to claim of how we can do almost everything, we have to admit that we cannot really do it all. We have to let others and God do what we cannot do (Mathew 8:5-7).
2.      Words are powerful and carry weight: Oh, what a profound statement that the Centurion said to Jesus “...But only speak a word and my servant will be healed” (Mathew 8:8). Why would a powerful leader like the centurion even say that he was not worthy to have Jesus come under his roof? Was his house so dirty? Did he think that Jesus would not accept the invitation to go to his house? It is so fascinating to see that the centurion did not have extreme pride that his authority could have brought to him. Maybe as individuals today, we should ponder on the kind of words we say to those around us. We should stop claiming how we are better than the rest. We should use our words to build and encourage each other. We should speak from humility not from pride. The centurion used his position of authority to express his belief that Jesus did not have to go to his house to heal the servant. All he needed was Jesus’ word (verses 8-9). Friends, what word do you need today? What word will you say today? Is it going to build or break those around you? Will it make those around you do what they can do best with utmost confidence? Will we remain humble even when we have influence or get to be in authority?

3.      True faith is about believing: The Bible tells us of what Jesus said in response to the Centurion, “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith. I say to you that many will come from the east and the west, and will take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven.  But the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Mathew 8:10-12). As far as I know, the Centurion was an army commander. He was not a minister in the church and neither did he serve with a faith-based organization, yet Jesus is telling us that his faith superseded anyone else’s. Is Jesus telling us that even the faith of the Levites was lacking? What of the faith of the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Essenes, and Zealots? Does that mean that we can claim to be people of faith, yet Jesus does not count us among the people of great faith? I think what Jesus thinks of our faith should supersede our personal elevation of how faithful we are. Today it is easy to boast of being faithful because people get to know Christ when we share about him. Should we even boast about that? Should one say that I led say I led this number of people to Christ? Who even transforms people? Is it us or the work of the Holy Spirit? I am not saying that the Lord does not or cannot use us. All that I am saying is that all that we do should be to give Glory back to him not to boost our own egos. We should acknowledge the Holy Spirit’s work in and through us. Ours is to only believe and let God do the rest.  Jesus asserts, “Go! Let it be done just as you believed it would” (Mathew 8:13). 

Friday 2 March 2018

What is your plan?

 This week, I have been reflecting on a few highlights of what is happening in Uganda and the USA. Security is of a big concern in both countries where kidnapping and shooting of people have been (Still are) talking points. What happened to strategic planning and thinking? Why does it look like systems are failing? Why is it easy to brush off the president’s messages and the messages of those in authority? What do the government and the police plan to do to prevent such from happening again? Is there anybody who can bring a lasting plan? Like many of you, I must say that I am not happy with the status quo in our countries and the world at large. All things and plans, no matter how good they are or sound, seem to be slowly dying.
 It is good to have a zeal for changing things, of wanting to make the world a better place but can the problems in the world end? It is hard to comprehend that indeed all-human knowledge and plans end. If all is ending, then what should be our ultimate plan? To answer the question one can say, “There is no plan except God’s plan. Jesus came to provide an answer to the problems of sin and death.  We could not solve them by ourselves. Instead of relying on our leaders to solve our current problems, can we turn our focus to Jesus the ultimate solution? Jesus overcame it all and helps us trump over the problems of sin and death.

The only thing that we possess right now is our soul. We should know that our soul will spend eternity somewhere. The main question that should throb into our minds should be about what the outcome of our personal lives is, or will be. Ezekiel 33:1-6 stipulates that leaders are stewards of God’s resources. In verse 4, Ezekiel says”Then whoever hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, if the sword comes and takes him away, his blood shall be on his own head”. How many warnings do we still need? We ought to think about how our lives will end. God’s plan is to have us live for him eternally. Ours is to grow in our walk with him, live eternal lives and focus on spending eternity with him.  My prayer is that whoever does not know God shall come to know of his ultimate plan and have his conduct transformed.

Sunday 7 January 2018

Stop figuring your life out

Today is the 7th day of 2018 and yet I am still trying to figure out how my year will be. I have often found myself spending much of my mental time figuring out how things are going, how they went or how things will go. No matter how hard I think, there is always that unknown thing that surpasses my own understanding. Yes, I desire to know and understand many things but I have found myself needing more knowledge, wisdom and understating. Actually, there are times when I wonder what I got for myself.
Are you like me and have moments when you wish you knew what you could not know? Do you have moments when you begin to think that you are not good enough? Life may bring situations to us that are beyond our control. Some of these happenings may even be hard to bare. We try to look for solutions to our problems but instead sink farther into the very problems we want to solve. We end up blaming others or ourselves for every bad thing that happens to us. It becomes hard to let go and move on with life. This is perhaps why there are many problems in the world. The more we try to figure things out without involving God the more we escalate the situations. Our personal rest turns into anxiety and depression.
Biblical characters like David also faced difficult situations. They also had those moments when they failed to have their lives figured out. Lets us ponder on the Psalmist’s words “Yes, my soul, finds rest in God; my hope comes from him. Truly, he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge “(Psalm 62:5-7). David acknowledged that he could not figure things out. He, however, knew someone who had it all figured out. He was in a perfect relationship with this guy that figures it all for us. His name is Jesus. His trust in the Lord no matter what life brought to him (Good or bad) earned him the title of a man after God’s own heart.

Friends, I do not know what you are going through but I know the one who knows it all. He is willing to Journey 2018 with you and he will figure out every detail in your favor. There is no need of being overwhelmed by things beyond our potentials. There is, however, a need to surrender it all to God. We have to trust in the one who has it all figured out for our good and his Glory.